
Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates:

Student Awards

Graduate Travel

Taft-eligible graduate students traveling to present their research, whether serving as discussants, presenting a paper or some other creative work at academic conferences or events, are eligible for up to $500 in travel funding per fiscal year. Grants only cover non-local travel (from Cincinnati to the destination city), a conference registration fee, and per diem, to include lodging (up to $50 per day).

Graduate Travel
Application Procedures

Graduate Enrichment


Taft-eligible graduate students engaged in research projects that will significantly advance their degree program are eligible for up to $2,500 for any 24-month period. Eligible projects include but are not limited to the following:

  • Travel to a library, archive or other source of primary research materials;
  • Purchase of software or data sets;
  • Payment for technical services such as videotaping, laboratory analysis, etc.;
  • Expenses involved in conducting interviews or distributing surveys.


Enrichment Awards do not cover conference participation, as these are supported by the Taft Graduate Fellowships and Taft Graduate Travel Awards.

Graduate Enrichment
Selection Criteria
Application Procedure

Summer Undergraduate Research Mentor-Mentee Award

The Taft Summer Undergraduate Research Mentor-Mentee Award Program allows Taft faculty, in conjunction with selected undergraduate students, to seek up to $4,000 in funding for undertaking research projects. It is designed to allow undergraduate students to work on their own research project with a faculty mentor and/or for undergraduate students to conduct research for a faculty member.

Summer Undergraduate Research Mentor-Mentee Award
Additional Information

Undergraduate Enrichment

Taft-eligible undergraduate students engaged in research projects that will enhance their learning experience in their major field are eligible to receive up to

$2,000 for any 24-month period. Eligible projects include but are not limited to research expenses, travel to a library, archives, museum, or conference, a language immersion program, or an organized field trip. Regardless of the activity, there must be a research component within the proposed project. Both individual and group applications are accepted. Awards are made on a competitive basis.



To be eligible, students must be majoring in one of the Taft departments and must have completed at least 10 upper division credit hours in their major by the end of the current academic year. Seniors are eligible if the project funded will be completed prior to graduation. 

Undergraduate Enrichment
Application Procedure

Competitive Dissertation Fellowship

The Charles Phelps Taft Competitive Dissertation Fellowship provides a $20,000 stipend to advanced, outstanding graduate students in support of their doctoral research. Only five students are selected for this opportunity each year. A University Graduate Scholarship accompanies each fellowship, through the home department, which covers the standard student health insurance award and course fees.

See also Allocated Taft Dissertation Fellowships.

Student Award - Competitive Dissertation Fellowship
Application Procedure
Grantee Responsibilities

Graduate Summer Fellowship

Taft-eligible graduate students conducting focused research projects over the summer, supervised by a faculty mentor, are eligible for $3,000 in research grants, in order to permit time away from other commitments and focus on a given project. Graduate students may not have other commitments during the fellowship period, however, projects need not encompass the entire summer period.

Graduate Summer Fellowship
Application procedure