
Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates:

Prior Initiatives


TAFTtalks are designed to draw out issues of interest beyond the academe and focus on big, contemporary ideas and concerns. They feature the best and brightest minds within our own ranks at UC and of our visiting lecturers and scholars. These include Tara Houska, Bill McKibben, Henry Giroux, and Paula Banerjee, among others. This project was undertaken 2014 - 2017. To view TAFTtalks, click the button below.


TAFTco-LABS allow rapid response, and shared sponsorship for events and programming. To view TAFTco-LABS, click the button below.


Following the positive reception to TAFTtalks, former Taft Director Adrian Parr launched TAFTH2Otalks, exploring water and sustainability issues. Talks include visits from Tara Houska, Bill McKibben, and Vernon Scarborough, among others. To view TAFTH2Otalks, click the button below.