
Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates:

 Faculty Travel

Domestic Conference Travel

Complete applications should be sent as an attachment to



Domestic Conference Travel grants are available for faculty presenting their own research or creative works, including posters, at established academic conferences. This grant does not support conference participation in other capacities (such as commentator, member of a discussion panel, or session chair). Faculty are eligible for up to $1,200 in domestic conference travel support each fiscal year (ending June 30). Grants cover non-local transportation by the most economical carrier (air, train, or personal car), conference registration fees, and hotel, for travel within the United States and its territories. Grants do not provide local travel funding, i.e. travel to and from the airport or around the conference city.


Faculty may present at more than one conference during the academic year and are encouraged to combine travel to multiple conferences in close geographical proximity, when possible.

Program deadlines are rolling from mid-July to mid-June. Applications are not restricted to the same fiscal year, though yearly limits are measured by the fiscal year of the award, not the year of travel. In addition to populating all electronic fields, applicants must upload proof of costs, e.g. a travel website screen shot of airfare estimate or receipt and itinerary, conference registration page, and lodging registration.

Faculty Travel — Domestic Conference
Terms of the Grant
Reimbursement Procedures

International Conferences

Complete applications should be sent as an attachment to


International Conference Travel grants are available for faculty presenting their own research or creative works, including posters, at established academic conferences outside the United States and its territories.

Grants cover transportation (airline ticket by the most economical carrier, ground transportation to and from conference hotel), conference registration (not membership), and per diem, which includes the maximum lodging rate as well as the meals and incidentals rate for a destination, per GSA, not to exceed Taft's limit of $150 per day. The maximum grant amount is $2,700 over any two successive fiscal years (July 1 - June 30), according to the year of award (not the year of travel).

Program deadlines are rolling from mid-July to mid-June. Applications are not restricted to the same fiscal year, though yearly limits are measured by the fiscal year of the award, not the year of travel. In addition to populating all electronic fields, applicants must upload proof of costs, e.g. a travel website screen shot of airfare estimate or receipt and itinerary, conference registration page, and lodging reservation.
Faculty Travel — International Conferences
Terms of the Grant
Reimbursement Procedures

Research Travel 

Complete applications should be sent as an attachment to



Travel for Research grants are available on a competitive basis, for research travel related costs. Grants only cover non-local travel by air, train, bus, or personal mileage, research related expenses, and per diem, which includes food and lodging, up to the maximum allowable by Taft, of $150 per day (see rate information in reimbursement procedures below). The maximum grant amount is $4,000 over any two successive fiscal years (July 1 - June 30), according to the year of award (not the year of travel).


Faculty Travel — Research Travel
Application Requirements
Criteria & Priorities
Terms of the Grant
Reimbursement Procedures