
Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates:


Complete applications should be sent as an attachment to Support letters should be sent as an attachment to


Publication costs provides of up to $1,500 in publication support to Taft faculty for a given project, primarily to defray the costs of indexing, translation, copyediting, the preparation of photos, images, illustrations and maps, and accompanying copyright but also translation of research into a second language. This fund cannot be used to cover either publication fees for open access journals or fees associated with open access release of articles published in regular (non-open access) journals. Applications are considered on a rolling, first-come, first-serve basis, and awarded subject to the availability of funds.


Program deadlines are rolling from mid-July to mid-June.

Applications must include the following:
  • A narrative (400 word limit) on the nature and significance of the work; and
  • Proof that the work has been accepted for publication by a press and substantiation of costs to be covered by the author (as stipulated by the contract); and
  • An itemized budget (indexing, photos, illustrations, copyrights), with proof (invoice) of costs; and
  • Abbreviated (two-page) curriculum vitae.
Note: The Text and Academic Authors Association (TAA) offers publication grants of up to $1,000 for members.

Terms of the grant
  • Full disclosure of non-Taft funds received for the proposed project, from both within and outside of the university, is required. Taft grant must not duplicate other funds granted for the same purposes.
  • All grant funds must be expended exclusively in furtherance of the grant and all expenditures of grant funds must comply with university policies relating to financial transactions, including the Code of Conduct and, as discussed in the Code of Conduct, the ethics laws of the state of Ohio which prohibit certain private financial interests in university matters. University Rule 3361:10-17-03 (D).
  • Publications and creative work generated with the help of Taft grants should acknowledge the Charles Phelps Taft Research Center.
  • Grants are made to a faculty member; Taft is not able to pay directly for publications costs. Grantees should work with their department Business Manager in processing the grant.